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“Not because it’s hard we don’t start with it,
but because we don’t start with it, it’s hard.”
What are energetic companions?
There are different aspects which affect our available energy. One factor which has a huge influence on our energy level is our emotional body. The emotional body is an energetic coat which we slip on at the moment of our birth. It includes every sentiment and emotion which we experienced or suffered from in former incarnations. Hereby we receive learning tasks which we have to master. The captured emotions are transferred via vibes to the new body during the pre-natal phase, at birth or during the life period on earth. Those emotions – or programs or patterns – can only be resolved when everything that is related with the symptoms has been settled and has created inner awareness.
As energetic companions we optimize the energetic status so that the development can make progress.
Re-transition therapy according to Trutz Hardo
Re-transition therapy involves finding the source of a problem, understanding and solving it.
There are several periods in our lives in which we are correspondent to programs which are locked in our emotional body from all our former incarnations.
The client is fully conscious during re-transition therapy. The client is transferred to the so-called alpha-state. We undergo the alpha-state two times per day between sleep and waking. In this state the left part of the brain which is responsible for reason, logic, numbers and control is fading into the background. The right part of the brain which permits access to our karma-archive is taking over.
Being fully conscious and resolving obstructive programs make this kind of therapy so efficient.
Bei der Aurachirurgie werden zum einen karmische Symptome, die sich in der Aura manifestiert haben und dort wiederum auf der somatischen Ebene zu realen Symptomen wie Schmerz, Bewegungseinschränkungen, Migräne etc. führen, mit einem energetisch-chirurgischen Eingriff entfernt.
Zum anderen werden durch Aurachirurgie nicht mehr einwandfrei funktionierende Körperteile wie z.B Menisken, Kreuzbänder, Bandscheiben, aber auch Organe wie z.B. Bauchspeicheldrüse, Blase, Leber etc. durch ein energetisches Substitut ergänzt, das die Funktion energetisch ersetzt.
Voraussetzung für einen Erfolg ist das Aufspüren und Auflösen der Ursache der Disfunktion.
Der Begriff Chirurgie kommt aus dem altgriechischen von „cheirurgía“ und bedeutet Handarbeit.
With the help of so-called soul-core-data disorders and traumatic situations are solved in this incarnation.
Spine treatment
Every vertebra is getting a close look as is examined. After checking every vertebra the spine receives an energetic treatment so that the spine can do its work perfectly again.
This treatment is particularly suitable for degenerative diseases such as arthrosis in the facet joints, prolapsed disk, scoliosis, Morbus Baastrup etc.
For healers
You are a healer but it is not running smoothly. Clients stay away, healing processes are stagnating etc.
We have a closer look at the current situation in one of our sessions and help you to get it going again.
Allergy treatment
We are checking out and treating the reasons for allergies and adverse food reactions in the incarnations.
Die uralte Kunst des Besprechens kann viel mehr als nur Warzen „wegmachen“. Folgende Symptome können Sie besprechen lassen:
Alles anzeigen
- Depressionen
- Angstzustände
- Alpträume
- Psychosen
- Trauer
- Schuppenflechten
- Nervenschmerzen
- Wundschmerzen
- Herzinsuffizienz
- Angina Pectoris
- Herzrasen
- Schuppenflechte
- Neurodermitis
- Migräne
- Starke chronische Schmerzen
- Arthritis
- Akne / Furunkel
- Wundheilung
- Beschleunigte Heilung von Knochenbrüchen
- Regulieren von Menstruationsbeschwerden
- Gürtelrosen, Herpes, Zytomegalie, Windpocken
- Übersäuerung des Blutes
- Entgiftung des Körpers (auch Kater)
- Verbrennungen, Erfrierungen
- Zu hohes Fiber
- Zysten, sämtliche Frauenleiden
- Warzen aller Art
- Myome
- Wundrose
- Insektenstiche
- Venenentzündung
- Allergien
- Sonnenbrand
- Rückenschmerzen
- Morbus Bechterew
- Scheuermann
- Hexenschuss
- Bandscheibenvorfall
- Rückenschmerzen
- Ödeme, Lymphstau
- Tumore, Hautkrebs
- Geschwüre
- Epilepsie
- Parkinson